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Machine Learning what is it

What are the famous 3 methods of machine learning and the 6 famous examples of it?

If you were following our blog, you would know that we created our series about Artificial Intelligence. Today in this article, we are going to continue this series with Machine Learning.
In this article, we will learn about:

  • The meaning of Machine Learning.
  • 3 methods of Machine Learning.
  • 6 famous examples of machine learning.

The meaning of Machine Learning:

Machine Learning is an application of artificial intelligence that means that computer programs are independent and learn automatically, without the help of any human by acquiring data to learn for themselves.

3 methods of machine learning

01. Supervised machine-learning algorithms

In this method, machine-learning algorithms can apply what has been learned from experience to new data through labeled examples to foretell future events.

02. Unsupervised machine-learning algorithms

This method focuses on how systems can deduce a function to describe a hidden structure from classified data.

03. Semi-supervised machine learning algorithms

This method is between supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms.

They are usually a big amount of unclassified data and a small amount of classified data. It’s often used when the applied classified data needs skilled and related resources to learn from it.

6 famous examples of Machine learning

  1. Medical diagnosis: Machine learning can be used for the analysis of the clinical parameters and their combination for the prognosis.
  2. Image recognition: Machine learning is famous for image recognition in modern inventions. It helps in recognizing digital images on social media for example.
  3. Computer speech recognition: It’s the turning of spoken words into actual text. For example, when a software application recognizes the words in an audio file and then turns the audio into a text file.
  4. Financial services: Machine learning is used a lot for financial and banking sections. it helps banks in taking smart and right decisions.
  5. Gamified learning: Machine learning can be used for digital education. Take Duolingo as an example, it combines both games and learning many languages at the same time.
  6. Self-driving cars: One of the abilities of machine learning is driving a car without having the actual driver. For example, Google’s autonomous vehicle project, Waymo, is a car that can drive itself without needing a human driver.

Now after you got familiar with Machine learning, which type or example surprised you the most? And what do you want us to write more about? Tell us in the comments or contact us here